Best Way to Organize Wedding Memorabilia
May 13, 2015 2:34 PM

I'd like to find a pretty way to preserva all sorts of lovely cards/notes/etc. from our wedding. Difficulty level: so not crafty!

We've gotten lots of lovely cards from relatives congratulating us on our wedding. I'd also like to save things like brochures from our caterer, little notes from friends, especially funny RSVP cards, a copy of our vows, etc. -- so, things of all different sizes. Whenever I search for "wedding album" what pops up is photo albums designed for a certain size photo. I guess I want something like a scrapbook, except I'm a decidedly non-crafty/non-design-y person. Basically I just want everything to be nicely preserved (maybe in plastic sleeves or pockets??) and flip-through-able. What's my best option? Links to specific purchases are very welcome.
posted by rainbowbrite to Shopping (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Can you commission someone to make a scrapbook for you? Or find a crafty friend to do it?
posted by serelliya at 2:44 PM on May 13, 2015

If you go to a craft store, they will have scrapbooks and lots of different photo albums for various sizes of photos. You can bind all of the cards together by sewing them - which sounds all crafty but isn't that hard. You can practice on folded card stock. Here is an option if you can punch holes in things. You could add actual pockets to hold the things you don't want to punch.
posted by soelo at 3:02 PM on May 13, 2015

What about simply putting everything in an archival box? I really like saved cards and such to be tactile when I'm looking through them again. I like holding them, handing them over to someone I'm sharing them with to hold, seeing them in their original structure. You notice how little trends have changed: how during this time cards were so small or large, this font is never used anymore... Things you might edit out while scrapbooking it can become so interesting with time.

Plus it's super easy. Find a box you like put everything in there and your project is DONE. I also really like soelo's idea above, and I would probably still put it in an archival box to preserve it. Look for acid-free, I've always been partial to these photography ones.

Then tie a lovely velvet ribbon around it in a color that reminds you of your wedding day. Whenever you open it, it feels like a gift being unwrapped. You could even put some acid free tissue in the box to cushion them, make it more gift-like.
posted by dog food sugar at 6:36 PM on May 13, 2015

If you posted on Facebook something like, "Would anyone be willing to help me scrapbook some wedding stuff in exchange for wine and snacks? I suck at crafts." I bet you'd find a taker. I have several female friends who absolutely LOVE scrapbooking and would be elated to do a wedding project. If you took such a friend to a craft store and let them go crazy with the materials and had them help you put it all together while plying yourselves with wine and treats, it would probably be a really fun evening in. Some people are very artistic and find this stuff very relaxing and rewarding. I personally find it to be tortuous, which why all of my wedding stuff like that is just loose in a hatbox in my closet.
posted by gatorae at 7:24 PM on May 13, 2015

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