Best hypertext/wiki browser software/freeware 2015?
April 23, 2015 8:50 AM

Creating a collaborative website, and one of my favorite tools in the original version of pbwiki is that you can simply type a word, click a button, and that word instantly became a link to a page of the same name. The updated pbworks doesn't do that, so I'm looking for a new tool. Example inside.

Let's say I wanted to create the following structure.

Shopping List
+ Trader Joe's
+++ Two-buck Chuck
+++ Chocolate croissants
+++ Orange juice
+++ Root veggies
+ Mr. Butcherman
+++ Roast

I want to be able to type my shopping list from the top down, and have each item in the list be created as a separate file with one-click. The alternative, which is how I understand pbworks to now function, is that I would have to enter all of my +++ entries, then aggregate them by store (my + entries), and then aggregate those stores into the top-level Shopping List. In other words, it's bottom up and I want easy peasy top-down.

Bonus points: Let's say I wanted to cross-reference those ingredients not only by store but by cookbook.

To Serve Man
+ London broil
+++ Roast
+++ Root veggies

So with that in mind, this functionalities would be nice:

a. Start a document
b. Include a link to a recipe
c. Option to include links to all ingredients associated to that recipe into the document with one click
d. Option to include links to all stores associated to those ingredients into the document

Not looking to take up more than 1MB space with these natterings.
posted by blueshammer to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
For what it's worth, I think by simply enclosing a word or phrase in PBwiki with square brackets, it creates a link to a new page with that word or phrase as its name.

(I use PBwiki a lot, and I mainly know this because I've had to train myself not to use square brackets to inadvertently create links.)
posted by salix at 11:32 PM on April 23, 2015

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