Can monogamy affect your libido?
April 8, 2015 1:32 AM

A friend and I were recently discussing sex and relationships. She said that her bf was less interested in sex because he wasn't used to being in a monogamous relationship. My first internal reaction was "he's just not that into you, and that's not cool (for you)", but then I was thinking, well, maybe there is something to this.

If you're someone who is used to having many sex partners frequently, and then you're in your first long-term monogamous relationship, could you eventually find it less exciting, even if you (say you) love your partner? Or is this a symptom of a larger issue and the "monogamy is boring" line is just an excuse... Any thoughts/experiences from all points of view?

I'm in a ltr also and while we don't have this issue atm, I've begun to wonder what I'd do if I were ever in my friend's shoes (or her partners'!) and I realized I didn't have an easy answer.

I'm really just curious to see what others might think about this.
posted by stumblingthroughitall to Human Relations

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