Find my socks?
November 21, 2005 1:49 PM

Where can I find my socks?

My brother lives in the UK. He moved recently. During the move, he gave some new but unneeded socks to my dad. My dad handed them over to me. One pair of those unwanted socks has become my new favorite socks.

The tag says "Rohner" and they are mostly black with an artistic white and grey cross hatching. They're most like the "trekking sock" found on page 20 of Rohner's summer 2006 catalogue . I'd love to have more, but I can't find them for sale anywhere in the US. The Rohner site links to Nike's store, but a search for "rohner" only gives me "runner" clothes. So ... are these fantastic socks a Euro-only phenomenon?
posted by grabbingsand to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
Buy them online.

Sierra Trading Post seems to be the source from all the generic shopping sites.
posted by SassHat at 1:58 PM on November 21, 2005

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