Is there a way I can be happy about this brave new world?
February 15, 2015 10:49 PM

Being 34, I'm not what most would call an older person, but even though the internet became a 'thing' when I was in highschool things have been moving way too fast for me since then. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google & GPS cellphones following you where-ever you go - It's all too much for me. This is not the age for those of us who enjoy privacy and well... living under a rock.

I really feel sometimes like I'm an alien in a world they don't belong. I don't have a FB or a Twitter and even if I did have one I wouldn't know what to do with them. I don't even own a TV- by choice. There's nothing but crap on there. Tried to have a FB for a couple of months, but I hated it so much I deleted it. I hate the idea of having my photos out on the public domain. I hate how easy it is for any stalker or stranger to look me up online and find out where I live and work just because I accidentally ordered some stupid magazine 4 years ago. I hate how if you register to vote you automatically have all that info on your registration put online for all to see including what party you vote for. I miss the days when people just interacted and played sports together instead of games on their cellphones. Hell I even miss how it was even just 8 years ago when most people barely knew what facebook was. Now, if you don't have a facebook people look at you like you're from outer space or have something to hide.

I do like that I'm able to stream movies whenever I want online and things of that nature, but I feel like I'm losing all the lovely freedom that came with anonymity in this new world. Before I die, I'm sure that google will come out with some "cool" hologram micro-chip that people will happily volunteer to implant into themselves in which of course three-five years later - after everyone has one, the government will go to google and say- You have to let us in on this and attach ss#'s, medical records and everything into said chip making everyone slaves in their own bodies. Yeah, that would've sounded crazy to me 8 years ago, but I really feel that's where we're headed. So since there's basically no escape from this brave new world, how can I embrace it and even come to love it? Is it possible? Or should I just resign myself to being "ok" with not liking this physical dimension I find myself in?
posted by manderin to Human Relations

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is really more of an opinion piece and discussion prompt than a concrete question that people can answer. -- taz

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