Reputable online OSHA 10 hour construction training course for NYC?
February 15, 2015 6:52 AM

An acquaintance who works in construction would like to start working on bigger jobs, which means he needs to do the 10 hour OSHA construction training course so he can get certified. I couldn't find a good way to check if any of the online courses (that are half the price of meatspace classes!) popping up on Google are actually legitimately credentialed places or scams, so please hope us figure it out!

If the Hivemind has a particular online course to recommend from experience (first or secondhand please) or any other suggestions for him, he'd really appreciate it.
posted by anonymous to Education (1 answer total)
I don't have any personal recommendations but you probably want to start with the OSHA-Authorized Online Outreach Training Providers list.
posted by macfly at 8:31 AM on February 15, 2015

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