Custom sunglass clip-ons
February 10, 2015 9:50 AM

I bought a pair of glasses from Warby Parker (that I like). However, WP does not offer sunglass clip-ons, which I pretty much cannot live without. I know that there are companies that make custom clip-ons (my old-school eyewear store could get clip-ons made for just about any pair of glasses), but do any of them sell directly to the public? If so, can you recommend any you've used? Thank you.
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell to Shopping (1 answer total)
I haven't used e-clips personally, but a friend of mine had them made through a brick an mortar store and liked them. They do, however, have a direct to customer option.
posted by k8oglyph at 7:52 AM on February 11, 2015

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