Weatherproofing Patio Door: Remove Knob Before Installing Plastic?
January 26, 2015 10:45 AM

Living at ground zero of Blizzardville, with 55mph winds predicted, I'm belatedly weatherproofing my drafty patio door (via 3M Indoor Window Insulator Kit for Patio Door). Question is: do I remove doorknob, or just drape the plastic over it? Aesthetics aren't a huge issue, I don't mind if the plastic shows.

Here's a gallery of hot action shots of the door and knob, fwiw (I can take more if requested; cabin fever will soon leave me relishing activities like doorknob photography). If I do need to remove the knob, I'm not quite sure how to. It's sorta antique, with no obvious screws holding it in. And also I'm afraid it'd leave a gaping hole.

Repeat: this is the indoor insulation kit (I usually install the outdoor one, but it's got to be >50 degrees for the tape's adhesive to work).
posted by Quisp Lover to Home & Garden (7 answers total)
Nah, put the plastic right over the knob if you don't plan to use the door until the event is over. But make sure the seals are tight and the plastic film is taut or else it'll flap in and out with the wind and eventually work itself loose, defeating the purpose of the film.

An alternative is weathersealing tape (this is the 3M brand but you can usually find generics at the hardware store). It's a wide, thick, low-tack tape that doesn't fuse to your paint but is strong enough to block the wind blowing through gaps in your window frame.
posted by JoeZydeco at 10:52 AM on January 26, 2015

I should have noted: I'd like this to last the's not just for the blizzard. I do have weathersealing tape, but figured the plastic kit would do a better job.
posted by Quisp Lover at 10:57 AM on January 26, 2015

I'm not sure if you can apply the plastic properly and still use the door. When I've used these, I've always sealed up the window/door and then kept the film up all winter. If you want to occasionally use the door, you may do better with a removable silicone caulk or removable tape that you would remove and reapply every time you use the door. Most temporary/seasonal solutions will be a pain if you have to use the door.
posted by quince at 11:11 AM on January 26, 2015

Thanks. I won't use the door till spring!
posted by Quisp Lover at 11:20 AM on January 26, 2015

I'd work around the knob because you have a nice view of the woods. If you go over the view will be distorted by the stretching of plastic over the knob and you will get really sick of seeing it. In the short storm term you could also control some of the draftiness by hanging a heavy blanket over the door.
posted by srboisvert at 11:42 AM on January 26, 2015

Well, I installed plastic. Looks pretty good, though I tore a corner and had to patch it (it'll affect airtightness, I'm sure, but the whole thing is a little jury rigged to begin with, so...)

I like srboisvert's suggestion of hanging a heavy blanket, but can't see what I'd hang it from....
posted by Quisp Lover at 11:59 AM on January 26, 2015

I like srboisvert's suggestion of hanging a heavy blanket, but can't see what I'd hang it from....

Multiple thumbtacks pushed downwards in to the top of the door frame. You'll need quite a few to hold the blanket and they will leave ugly holes, but they'll be up in a place you can't see them. I did this in a rental house once, no one ever noticed afterwards. If the blanket is long enough to hang on the ground that will help hold some of the weight too.
posted by shelleycat at 12:10 PM on January 26, 2015

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