Sidescrolling adventures for iPhone, take 2
January 19, 2015 2:15 PM

Previously I asked this questions and got some pretty good tips. At this point I'm looking for engaging games, preferably side-scrolling adventures but puzzle games are fun too, which do not rely on sound. Examples of games I've tried and loved: Swordigo, Silent Age, Nihilumbra, Tiny Wings. (Was also briefly addicted to Candy Crush). I don't paying a couple of bucks for something awesome.
posted by bunderful to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
The most fun i've had with this sort of thing on my iphone by far is with gba4ios.

You need to either jailbreak(follow the instructions in the sidebar here under "latest" for your iOS version), or use a sketchy service like this... which i don't really endorse, but is an option if you absolutely don't want to jailbreak.

Typical spiel about legality, you should probably own the games, etc. It was a Legitimate Option for me because my GBA and DS lite broke years ago so i have a huge pile of games i can't directly play.

That gets you everything from new super mario bros, to pokemon, to various great puzzle games. Basically anything that doesn't require rapid twitch input works great. Stuff like advance wars or fire emblem are so much fun and work perfectly, but i also had plenty of success with mario and other side scrollers.

As a bonus, it supports using a wiimote or various other control-devices to play games with. This rules on a plane/bus/train/etc where you can set the phone on something and pull the controller out of your backpack.

There's also stuff like this and various knockoffs that i've always wanted, but never been willing to shell out for. Looks fun though. But, you can get a wiimote for $4 at a thrift store these days. There's a pretty large list of ios 7 and later controllers that work as an Official Apple Controller, and a huge number of games will play nice with including most if not all of the emulators.

And yes, i noticed your requirement for "fun without sound". I basically never turn the sound on unless i'm listening to music. Still totally fine. It's not like there's cutscenes with tons of dialog in GBA games, it's all text.
posted by emptythought at 3:52 PM on January 19, 2015

I love these kind of games too- Tiny Wings is still probably my all-time favorite iOS game.

Have you tried Punch Quest? it's a sidescrolling dungeron-crawl game with a lot of silly fun features that can keep you entertained for months.
posted by drjimmy11 at 5:59 PM on January 19, 2015

Leo's Fortune. It's a side scroller with puzzles and its beautiful.
posted by jasondigitized at 8:19 PM on January 19, 2015

These are my favorite kinds of games; here are some I've really enjoyed: Incredible Jack, Bloo Kid 2, Miss Claire Garden, Jazz: Trump's Journey, Flyhunter Origins, Mutant Mudds, Devious Dungeon, Limbo, Traps n Gemstones.
posted by Clustercuss at 9:17 PM on January 19, 2015

The absurdly delightful Badland ("BADLAND is an atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure located in a gorgeous forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers"). Note that though the trailers include sound, sound is not integral to playing the game. It's also the prettiest game I've ever owned--such that even when my inability to advance much gets in the way, at least I'm enjoying the view.
posted by librarylis at 10:42 PM on January 23, 2015

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