Preferably not a Lacanian
December 31, 2014 12:40 PM

I am looking for a good therapist in NYC who has experience with the anxiety/avoidance/ADD nexus. I'm biased towards cognitive therapy but open to other modalities.

Basically, I've spent the last few months laying in my filthy apartment, procrastinating on everything (including basic things like buying groceries) and avoiding all human interaction. I went on medication, things started to get better, but then fell apart when procrastinating caused a small crisis. I ended up reading "The Now Habit" which was like looking in the mirror.

I have a longstanding ADD diagnosis for which I was medicated briefly: I didn't like what the medication did to my thought process (I was convinced every idea I had was incredibly profound) and eventually stopped taking it. I think I've struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life but it really came to a head this year, and I started taking Wellbutrin (which supposedly also is used for ADD). It's been immensely helpful; suddenly everything isn't so stressful and difficult.

I have a pretty specific list of goals. I want to:
-- be able to talk to people and make friends without seeming off-putting
-- do everyday tasks (cleaning, groceries) that will make my life more pleasant
-- be able to exercise without being afraid a person might judge me
-- plan ahead and do my work
-- waste less time

These might seem somewhat unrelated but I feel like they're basically all rooted in anxiety: I avoid doing things that frighten me, and when I'm worried I feel that even simple housework or schoolwork that I'm capable of is too much of a burden. My depressive symptoms have really improved; I think I just need help facing my fears and developing new patterns and habits to replace the old ones.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
If you contact the Boston University Center for Anxiety, they can give you a list of CBT practitioners in NYC that they've trained.
posted by kinetic at 12:53 PM on December 31, 2014

Ackerman Institute in NYC has a great referral program.
posted by mmf at 1:39 PM on January 1, 2015

These people:
The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy
136 East 57th Street #1101, New York, NY 10022
(212) 308-2440
posted by islandeady at 7:42 PM on January 2, 2015

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