One hundred socks
December 5, 2014 9:20 PM

I want to buy my boyfriend 50 pairs of socks for his annual holiday gift. What are the best everyday-wear black socks that I can purchase?

My boyfriend has exclaimed many times since I've known him that if he were rich he would buy 365 pairs of socks and throw them away at the end of every day. I know he's joking, but I also know that owning a bunch of practical socks that don't rip at the heel after just a few wears would make him really happy.

Right now he wears black athletic socks that are ankle-height that have a red seam over the toes. They seriously rip very easily and all of his socks have holes in them, so I'd like to get him a whole mess of high-quality black socks that he can wear every day. The holes always happen at the heel and they usually rip when he is putting them on. It frustrates him to no end!

What are your favorite everyday socks? I don't want to spend more than $80 on this gift. I'd settle for buying 20 pairs rather than 50, but they'd have to be very amazing to justify that kind of price tag.

He does not like Smartwool.

We are both really practical gift-givers, so please no suggestions about how socks are a bad gift for a boyfriend.
posted by sockermom to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
The diabetic socks at Goodwill. Not kidding you. They are brand new, cheap, and my husband loves them. We looked everywhere for socks that he liked, and he loves these. They last a long time, too.
posted by Marie Mon Dieu at 9:30 PM on December 5, 2014

Darn Tough socks are "guaranteed for life"; my dad loves his.
posted by jrobin276 at 9:31 PM on December 5, 2014

So there are these black socks at Costco. They look dressy but feel a bit athletically. Amazing.

Doent wear out easily, I have worn them with from a tux to blue jeans. When I'm home I will look up the actual brand but I think they're puma. Seriously great. They're 10 bucks for a 6 pack I think so not too expensive.
posted by Carillon at 9:35 PM on December 5, 2014

You're not going to truly good socks at that price point.

I'd rather have 4-5 pairs of Thorlo padded hiking/walking socks for about $80 than 20 pairs of incredibly cheap socks.

That's basically what I do, just keep buying new ones whenever they're on sale at REI or wherever.

Also consider, depending on his age, that his tastes/needs may change and he'll end up with a bunch of cheap socks that he might not be wearing in a few years.
posted by paulcole at 9:37 PM on December 5, 2014

So there are these black socks at Costco. They look dressy but feel a bit athletically. Amazing.

Kirkland Signature™ Men's Cushioned Crew Sock 6-Pack. I just bought my husband a dozen, for $20, and he was very surprised at how good they felt compared to his previous socks.
posted by Lyn Never at 10:01 PM on December 5, 2014

Even if you want to stick with the original plan, you might put a pair of Darn Tough in there as a bonus just to try, because I always had holes in my heels too and yet the only thing the Darn Toughs have ever succumbed to was walking around on marble floors without shoes for the better part of a month. I don't even launder them particularly gently except pulling them out before the dryer if I remember. I once got a pair of SmartWool thinking they'd be comparable because of how popular the brand is but nope. Those had holes within a couple of months, if not sooner.
posted by teremala at 10:02 PM on December 5, 2014

I've had good luck with these Dockers 5-packs from Amazon, if you need another source.
posted by mumkin at 11:14 PM on December 5, 2014

Uniqlo socks. Great fit and quality, good price.
posted by saladin at 5:06 AM on December 6, 2014

For quite some time I've done the Fox Sox for Soldiers -- they are supposed to be outstanding socks.
They have dress socks Jersey Dress - #4606 in black, that you might want to check out. Just type into Google. Perhaps some of the guys here have tried them and can comment on quality?
posted by alwayson_slightlyoff at 7:11 AM on December 6, 2014

I read your tiny note at the end of the post so I won't say how this is a bad idea (long story short: my husband has an obsesion for buying socks, I just had to give away two grocery bags full of good socks). I will suggest this, if you live with him, make sure that the whole amount of socks get a good rotation in the sock drawer, otherwise, if you do laundry say, every week, the same 7 socks go out of the drawer and then back in at the top, and so the ones further down stay new while the top socks still get holes in them no matter how good the quality.
posted by CrazyLemonade at 7:19 AM on December 6, 2014

I love love love American Apparel's socks but they're out of your price range unless you only buy him like 8-10 pairs. My boyfriend and I both wear the stripe knee-high socks and these things are seriously indestructible (and they stay up They also make solid calf-high socks which sound like they might be more your husband's style.
posted by jabes at 8:23 AM on December 6, 2014

Gold toe brand.
posted by postel's law at 11:52 AM on December 6, 2014

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