Should I cover my grill?
November 30, 2014 8:54 AM

I forgot to put the cover on my grill last night, and now it's raining. Maybe one stop up from a drizzle, but certainly not a downpour. My gut feeling is that covering the thing now will only make the inside of the cover wet. Thoughts?
posted by colin_l to Home & Garden (6 answers total)
One rain isn't going to hurt your grill. Wait until the rain stops, dry the grill off, and then put the (dry) cover on.
posted by Benny Andajetz at 9:08 AM on November 30, 2014

What Benny said.
Your gut is right about covering it now. You'll be trapping moisture between the cover and the grille.
posted by Thorzdad at 9:11 AM on November 30, 2014

If you're worried about residual water before you put the cover back on (once it's not raining), run the grill and get it hot to drive out as much water as possible.
posted by notsnot at 9:34 AM on November 30, 2014

Ooh, notsnot, great idea!
posted by colin_l at 11:05 AM on November 30, 2014

Maybe it varies by the type of grill, but I've had a Weber charcoal grill for the last 20 years and it's never been inside or covered in all that time. I've had to replace the legs and handles (which fortunately can be ordered online) but that's it. So one rain probably won't hurt anything.
posted by DrumsIntheDeep at 6:07 PM on November 30, 2014

I have a Weber gas grill, and I cover it only in the winter, or when it's dry and I remember to put the cover on. It has been through many a New England downpour in the last 9 years and has only minimal rust on it.
posted by brianogilvie at 6:14 PM on November 30, 2014

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