Getting my hands on a Russian math book?
November 18, 2014 7:54 PM

I'm trying to buy a copy of a famous Russian geometry textbook, Kiselev's Geometry (link to a recent English translation), in the original Russian. Any copy of any edition will do; in fact, a used copy would be mildly preferred. However, I speak no Russian whatsoever, so I'm having difficulty figuring out how to go about this, partly because I don't even know what to search for on a Russian-language site! How can I complete my task?

I am, of course, aware of the PDF linked off the page above, as well as another (presumably legal?) electronic copy here. But I'd like to get my hands on a hardcopy -- it's slated to be a gift.
posted by sappidus to Shopping (3 answers total)
Here's a link to a site with the Russian version of the title of your book (found with the help of my Russian-speaking husband). This seems to be offering a download of the book rather than a hard copy but it might be a jumping off point for your searches. The relevant title and author in Russian is Геометрия (Планиметрия и Стереометрия) (Geometry (Planimetry and Stereometry) and Киселев А.П. (Kiselev, A. P.)
posted by peacheater at 8:02 PM on November 18, 2014

That was perfect, thank you! After knowing what to search for, it took me about ten seconds to find an online bookseller that would ship a copy to me.
posted by sappidus at 8:19 PM on November 18, 2014

Just in case these things matter to you, the name Kiselev is pronounced kee-sill-YOFF; a careful Cyrillic version is Киселёв, but the ё (yo) character is, sadly, rarely used.
posted by languagehat at 11:45 AM on November 19, 2014

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