Escape From New Orleans
November 10, 2014 11:34 PM

Can you please recommend to me an overnight road trip approximately 2-3 hours from New Orleans where I can do some low-key exploring (preferably outdoor), have a couple of quiet beers, eat some awesome (vegetarian) food, and mellow out?

Background: I've been working in New Orleans for the past four weeks or so, and while I've been having a great time exploring (thanks in no small part to previous posts on Ask Mefi) I'm feeling a little over-stimulated by the city and in need of an escape. This coming Sunday and Monday will be my last two days off here before I fly back home to Los Angeles a week later.

I like hiking/walking, things that are typically described as "hipster" on here (bookstores, third wave coffee, craft beer, live music, etc), and I am super introverted. I generally consider myself to be pretty adventurous. Not particularly interested in swamps or beaches (grew up in South Florida) but am willing to hear compelling reasons why I should be.

Also, I get off work around 4:00 am, so I won't realistically be getting on the road until at least 11:00 am on Sunday. Hotel budget is flexible, but cheaper is better. I am also down with AirBnB if anyone has recommendations.

Thank you!
posted by justjess to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I live here. Gulfport and Bay St. Louis each have a beach but aren't Florida style beachy, if that makes sense. They are the wrong way though.

There are a lot available here.

The further from the city the less "hipster".

I don't know your comfort level but I love the backroads and my ex wife would drive them alone and never had a bad experience.
posted by vapidave at 1:46 AM on November 11, 2014

In Mississippi there is a cool hiking trail (if I got the right one). Especially if your interested in geology. I it says it's about 1.5 hours from New Orleans in the Desoto National forest.
posted by AlexiaSky at 6:25 AM on November 11, 2014

I used to live in New Orleans, and had a couple awesome trips out to Cajun country. Lafayette is happening (check out a show at Blue Moon Saloon and Guest House), and you can easily combine it with a trip to Breaux Bridge/Atchafalaya. I know you said no swamps, but I think Louisiana swamps are a bit different than Florida swamps. Air boat tours are a total hoot there (and I'm told by my South Florida fiance, way better than the ones in Florida), or I think you can rent a bike or kayak if that's more your speed. Also, check out Angelle's Whiskey River Landing which is a total dive over on the other side of River Road -- you will learn how to do some Cajun two-stepping right quick!
posted by mostly vowels at 7:18 AM on November 11, 2014

Farther than the range you mentioned, but Birmingham, AL could be a nice getaway. And they have an awesome veg restaurant/bar and music venue called the Bottletree Cafe.
posted by mermaidcafe at 2:23 PM on November 11, 2014

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