What can I do with the rest of my life?
October 30, 2014 3:12 PM

I'm finishing a PhD in instructional design and technology early next year but I've also worked on a lot of arts and community projects outside the field in the past few years. Looking for recommendations, books, anything on how to "bring it all together".

For the past seven years I've lived in Roanoke, VA and have worked through my own think tank/arts and community organization I call Philosophy INC, it's not even a non-profit. Through Philosophy INC I've worked on a bunch of projects related to the history of the city: I designed the exteriors of these trash bins that show history and geographic location, I managed to help save this historic sign, I managed to find some minor fame when I discovered film that had Hitler on it and I've managed some constructivist/psychogeography projects at local schools and in some neighborhoods. I'll be finishing a PhD in instructional design and technology in February and have tried to encapsulate some of my interests in that field here. I've also made a bunch of films and and album while I've been here.
I feel like I need a life coach or something. Of course I think it would be great to teach and work at a university or college but but I feel like I'd love to figure out some way to incorporate my extracurricular activities into my future somehow, the Philosophy INC projects. Right now I feel like I'm a bit all over the place. I'm guessing everyone on here has their fingers in all kinds of pies, not to sound gross. Isn't there some way just to bring it all together? I've done what I enjoy, with the Philosophy INC stuff but it's not paying the bills.
(Also, " Philosophy INC" was not supposed to be a joke about how philosophy can't be a business. When I came up with the logo and idea I was reading a bunch of Debord and Deleuze and kind of thought of it as "the last company." Now I like the arts, education and community approach.)
posted by PHINC to Grab Bag

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, there way too much "here's links to my stuff" in this; if you want to reframe this as a question without all the outbound links, that's fine, but as written this isn't gonna work. -- cortex

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