What's Arabic for 'Kick Me?'
October 25, 2014 1:35 PM

I have a T-shirt with text in some kind of Arabic language, and I have no idea what it says (or even what language it says it in!) There's also a small triangular logo with an antelope and the word 'Zama'. Does anyone know A) what language it is, B) what it says and C) what the context is?

The picture is here: http://imgur.com/ouuUXZw

My sister gave me several of these identical red shirts a few years ago; she got the shirts for free on Craigslist, along with a copy of the graphic novel Persepolis. She was told that she could have the book for free, but only if she would also take the shirts.

I've worn the shirt around from time to time, and people ask me what it says, and people ask me what it says; I tell them I have no idea! I've asked a few Saudi-Arabian students if they knew what it meant, but none of them had any idea. Does anyone know what this says? Hopefully it's not anything offensive!
posted by Green Winnebago to Writing & Language (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Sorry about the typos, I probably should've done a bit more proof-reading...
posted by Green Winnebago at 1:38 PM on October 25, 2014

Well, the Saudi Arabian students didn't know because it's Persian. Zama makes (or used to make) football (soccer) jerseys (zoom in on the logo), and there's a Perseopolis Football Club whose color is red, so I'm guessing that's what you've got. Compare the last section of the writing on the shirt with the writing on this image.
posted by desjardins at 2:06 PM on October 25, 2014

The text says پرسپولیس قرمزته (Persepolis Ghermezete) - 'ghermezete' being something like 'the reds'/'the red team', a nickname for the team (there is also Abiete, the blue team).
posted by Gordafarin at 4:04 AM on October 27, 2014

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