Sacramento meeting place?
September 26, 2014 11:50 AM

Where can a non-profit group of ten meet for a once-a-month evening meeting in the general Sacramento area?

Our regular meeting place (at a public utility building) will be under remodeling for the next year, so we need to find a new meeting place.

Our meetings often include presentations that require projecting on the wall, so an office-type conference room would work best, but a room in the back of a restaurant would work in a pinch.

We are a reputable organization. We would hope for a free deal if possible, but would pay a token amount, if necessary.

Where might we meet?
posted by gnossos to Grab Bag (3 answers total)
You could try the hacker lab (17th and I), they have meeting spaces.

SMUD also has conference rooms that they allow groups to meet at in the evenings (I don't know the details, but their website should).
posted by zug at 11:58 AM on September 26, 2014

I don't have specifics for Sacramento, but you can sign up to use conference rooms in many libraries.
posted by jenmakes at 1:05 PM on September 26, 2014

Many of the local public libraries have free after hours meeting rooms. You have to show up at that branch and ask to have it scheduled. I don't remember all of the details, but I think you can schedule relatively far in advance and then you show up that week (or the same day?) during business hours to get the key. You lock up at night and leave the key in the drop.

I know that the libraries in Rancho Cordova (on Folsom Blvd) on Watt Avenue south of Arden, in Arden Arcade (on El Camino), in North Natomas on Del Paso all have rooms. Here's the library's page on meeting rooms:
posted by cnc at 10:39 PM on September 26, 2014

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