Should I upgrade to the iOS 8 version of New York Times for iPad?
September 22, 2014 6:27 PM

The NYTimes for iPad app was recently upgraded to v3.5 to match the style of iOS 8. When iOS 7 was released, the New York Times released v3.0 which "broke" several features for me, forcing me to downgrade to v2.x. Can anyone tell me how v3.5 handles "Saved Items?"

In v2.x if one wanted to add an item to their "Saved Items" list to read later, all they had to do was perform a "long finger press" on the article snippet and select, "Save." After v3.0, the process was something more along the lines of, open article -> click share button -> click save item -> click close article to get back to the headlines. Additionally, after v3.0 there wasn't any way one could delete saved articles from their "Saved Items" list using the iPad app, it had to be done via the web interface. If anyone here has installed later versions of v3.x or specifically v3.5, could you please tell me if "Saved Items" can be deleted from within the iPad app, and what the process is for adding articles to your "Saved Items."

In case it matters, because it very well might, I am a print subscriber to the Times so I can log in to my account and have unlimited access to articles, etc.
posted by pwb503 to Technology (3 answers total)
I am a print subscriber, and have 3.5 installed, though I tend not to use it. (This is on iOS 7)

I've just checked, and saving articles remains as you describe for v3.0: you must enter the article, tap Share, tap Save, and back out.

You can delete saved items, however, by tapping Share once again — you will find that the Save option becomes "Unsave."
posted by mumkin at 12:36 AM on September 23, 2014

On further investigation, the above is true for v3.5 for iPad on iOS 8 as well.

However, on my iPhone running iOS 8, the NYTimes Newsstand app (v4.5.1) does support the long press you mention — a contextual menu pops up with Share / Save (or Unsave) options.
posted by mumkin at 12:45 AM on September 23, 2014

Thanks for checking on iOS 8 mumkin, but the iPhone app unfortunately (for some unknown reason...) utilizes the different UI you mentioned. Anyone else running iOS 8 and v3.5 of the NYTimes app for iPad?
posted by pwb503 at 11:47 AM on September 23, 2014

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