iEffed Up
September 20, 2014 6:06 PM

I traded in my iPad to Best Buy and completely forgot to cancel the wireless recurring charges before I handed it over. How can I cancel my recurring charge on my iPad 3G account...without the iPad?

I traded my iPad 3 with ATT Wireless last week at Best Buy, and purchased an iPad mini for Verizon. On my iPad 3, I had AT&T 3G access, but I paid for it monthly on the iPad (I don't have any other wireless account with AT&T). I had it set up to charge automatically to my credit card each month.

The problem is that when I handed my iPad over to Best Buy, I didn't even think about cancelling the cellular renewal each month before I did so. I did the usual factory reset and went on my merry way. Until last night, when I realized that I'm an idiot and now I have no idea how to cancel this charge. I don't know the iPad's phone number and I'm not sure I could dig it up at home anywhere.

How can I get this recurring charge cancelled? It's already charged for September, so I need to get it cancelled by the end of this month to avoid further charges. I don't have a log in for the AT&T website...don't know the phone number, and really have no clue as to where to begin. Calling AT&T customer service results in super long hold times because of everyone getting the iPhone 6 right now.

posted by MultiFaceted to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I had it set up to charge automatically to my credit card each month.

Seems to me that you should be able to talk to your credit card company and tell THEM to cancel it/not honor future charges from AT&T Wireless.
posted by AsYouKnow Bob at 6:19 PM on September 20, 2014

I'd go in to an AT&T storefront. They should be able to look up your account using your name and other identifying information, and it's faster and less frustrating than waiting on hold for hours.
posted by qxntpqbbbqxl at 6:24 PM on September 20, 2014

You almost certainly gave AT&T an email address when you set up your payment info. You should be able to use that email address to access your account online. You may need to go through a registration process, or you may already be set up and need to do a password reset.

Google is your friend. Look in the second half of the "View or change your prepaid DataConnect Pass plan" section.
posted by Good Brain at 6:35 PM on September 20, 2014

Seems to me that you should be able to talk to your credit card company and tell THEM to cancel it/not honor future charges from AT&T Wireless.
I don't recommend this. They'll just try to charge you, fail, and ding your credit. You'll forget about it and it will balloon and create a huge mess for you somewhere down the line.

I think the suggestion to go into an AT&T retail store, if there's one near you, is the best advice. Bring the card to which the charges are sent and a photo ID and you should be able to establish your identity to their satisfaction. And if you go that route, don't leave without a receipt or something which clearly lists the day on which you cancelled your service. Cell carriers are notorious for "forgetting" your cancellation and continuing to charge you.
posted by Nerd of the North at 6:45 PM on September 20, 2014

Dang it GoodBrain!!! I had tried and tried and TRIED to log into that damn website all day and convinced myself that somehow I didn't give them an email address because no matter what I couldn't remember my login and password. When I tried to reset my password it asked me for codes off the iPad that I no longer own.

I went to your link and tried ONE MORE TIME with the email and password I use a lot for things, and lo and behold it logged me in!! I was able to cancel the account, got a confirmation email that it is cancelled, and now I can't log into the website anymore! Twist of fate I guess....

Note to self: Write down your iPad phone numbers and cancel all accounts before trading up!
posted by MultiFaceted at 7:20 PM on September 20, 2014

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