Can I really install a storm door in as little as 60 minutes?
November 7, 2005 6:49 AM

I was at Lowe's looking at a storm door for the front of my house. Pella has this thing called Express Install. It shows a woman installing a storm door all by herself. Anyone have any experience with these Pella storm doors?

Can you really do it by yourself? Can you really do it in less than 60 minutes? Is this a big deal? Are other manufacturers' doors just as easy to install?

Slightly related ... Are aluminum storm doors paintable?
posted by clearlynuts to Home & Garden (6 answers total)
Paintable: A major advantage to aluminum doors (and windows) is that you don't have to paint them. That's why they come in 9 different colors. You may be able to paint them regardless, but then they might not be a very good choice.
posted by smackfu at 7:04 AM on November 7, 2005

I helped someone install a storm door a couple months ago. All I can say is that the "no cutting" claim seems questionable, since I haven't seen two door frames that are the exact same width. If you're replacing another similar door you may be in luck, but if not you may want to be prepared to screw around with the door frame.
posted by mikeh at 7:22 AM on November 7, 2005

I just helped my Aunt bring home a new storm door. The door is a perfect replacement and should have been really easy to install. Just one problem- the door frame isn't square. So we're having to rebuild the whole door frame and jam to make it square so the new door will fit and close tightly.

So long story short- everything is usually harder if you're dealing with an older house. Also, it usually harder if you're dealing with a shoddily built newer house.
posted by gus at 9:08 AM on November 7, 2005

Yeah, 60 minutes seems dubious for any house that might actually require and benefit from a new storm door.

In my case, the biggest issue was that the storm door frame used a sort of L shaped molding that was supposed to attach to the front and inner edge of the door frame. The problem was, they way the door was trimmed, the L didn't have anything to fit flush over. I had to rip and attach some pieces of wood to serve as filler between the existing door frame & trim and the storm door.

After that, it wasn't too bad though.
posted by Good Brain at 10:14 AM on November 7, 2005

I think the 'no cutting' storm doors come with their own properly fitted frame. I think you mount the entire unit on the face of the existing door frame, not inset, so it shouldn't matter much if the existing door frame is 'true'. Even so, it is probably much easier with two people.

I've never installed one, so...
posted by Chuckles at 10:37 AM on November 7, 2005

I installed a Pella RollScreen door just yesterday. It was not an Express Install model. Spent about 3 hours at a leisurely pace, and didn't quite finish the job. It wasn't very difficult, although I'm not proficient at this sort of thing.

Pella has installation instructions online for all their doors, including the Express Install models, to better help you visualize the process and see if you're comfortable taking it on.
posted by Snerd at 11:01 AM on November 7, 2005

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