Audio/Video Podcast playlist help
May 31, 2014 12:39 AM

Is there a tool or service that allows you to arbitrarily add podcasts episodes to a custom feed you can subscribe to or share ?

Here are a couple of things I'd like to do with it:

- create a feed of my favorite podcasts episodes to share with friends
- add episodes of top lists such as this one for me to consume later
- add videos from YouTube and others to create a watch later feed I can consume in a podcast app

I thought I stumbled on such an app a few months ago, but I can't seem to be able to remember it.
posted by motdiem2 to Technology (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Netvibes might be able to do this, but I'm not sure it allows you to create lists of arbitrary URLs. It does allow sharing of feeds, though. Otherwise, maybe one of the replacements?
posted by rhizome at 1:44 AM on May 31, 2014

I use Huffduffer for podcasts. I'm not sure whether it will work with YouTube though.
posted by applesurf at 1:46 AM on May 31, 2014

Tanks applesurf ! Huffduffer was the one I was looking for.

A little bit of googling brought clipstack and popscreen which look like decent options for video.
posted by motdiem2 at 3:18 AM on May 31, 2014

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