Recirculating Sand Filters?
October 26, 2005 10:17 AM

Recirculating Sand Filter septic systems or other alternatives? Anybody here have one or know anything about them?

Due to the proximity to the town water supply (within 1/4 mile) my current septic system is limited to a two bedroom dwelling. That's fine for my family of three but we'd like to rebuild our house. If possible we'd like to add a guest room, which would require upgrading to an "active" septic system. I believe Recirculating Sand Filters are the thing we need.


1) Can a filter be added to my current system or would we need to build a whole new system?

2) Do the filters need to be located close to the septic tank, in my case in the middle of the front yard, or can we put it a little ways from the tank, somewhere less visible?

3) Noise? Am I going to hear a loud pump 24/7?

4) Maintenance? I'm told they require yearly maintenance. What exactly is done? What does it cost? Can I do it myself?

5) What other options do I have? We're planning on doing SOME green building on the new house, so we're open to alternatives, though I don't think I want to have a composting toilet with a tank of worms in my basement.
posted by bondcliff to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Fortunately you live in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center has been doing all the dirty (literally) work for you and testing out new and exciting septic alternatives.

The MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has worked with the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center to develop a list of approved alternative septic technologies that you might want to check out.

You might even want to pay the test center a visit.
For information about arranging a tour, contact:

Keith J. Mroczka (Test Center Operator)
mail: 4 Kittredge Road, OTIS ANGB, MA 02542
voice: 508-563-6757
fax: 508-563-6757 (call first)

Finally, a report came out in 2002 that compares the technologies (opens a PDF hosted by the Buzzards Bay NEP).

That should at least get you started.
posted by nekton at 12:06 PM on October 26, 2005

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