Help me find this raincoat.
May 2, 2014 8:42 AM

I'm looking for a raincoat similar to this one, which is no longer available in my size.

I really need a proper raincoat, and really like the one pictured above. However, it is no longer available in my size. Help me find a similar replacement.

Additional requirements:

-Totally waterproof
-Relatively minimal styling
-No visible logos (or at the most, small, understated ones)
-Neutral shade of olive or green
-Is produced by a company that is not completely shitty to its workers
-Price not to exceed CAD $150. or so

Thanks in advance!
posted by TheWhiteSkull to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total)
$129 Patagonia Torrentshell (has a logo but it's not enormous)
posted by rmless at 10:18 AM on May 2, 2014

Couldn't get your link to work, but definitely some more suggestions here: Rain jacket recommendations. The first suggestion from that post might actually be very close to what you're looking for! LLBean Rain Jacket (they ship to Canada, too). If you want to know how LLBean treats their workers, just call up to place an order - these are some of the most pleasant people I've ever spoken with and are clearly very happy working there.
posted by belau at 4:19 PM on May 2, 2014

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