How should I cut my long, very fine hair?
April 15, 2014 8:10 AM

Help me decide on a haircut! I have very fine, mostly straight hair that is currently about an inch and a half past my shoulders. I'd like some ideas for haircuts (without going short).

Since my hair doesn't really do much on its own, I feel like my only haircut choices are layers vs. no layers. So boring! I'm sure there are more interesting options out there, but I am not hair-savvy so I don't know what they are. My hair is very fine, has a bit of a wavy section in the back but is mostly straight, and doesn't hold curl or body at all.

Please suggest haircut ideas! I am not conversant with haircut names, so names or descriptions plus pictures are very welcome.

I would like to keep it long-ish for now (at least, say, chin length). I have had bangs before and would consider them again. I am extremely lazy and generally not willing to spend time styling it in the mornings, so haircuts that require effort to look good are probably not a good option.

(I would just ask the stylist for advice, but I am going to someone new, and in my experience asking for advice is hit or miss, so I'd like to go in with some idea of what I want.)

Recent shot (courtesy MeFi's own tarheelcoxn!)
Older shot, front
Older shot, back
posted by aka burlap to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total) 20 users marked this as a favorite
So I have hair very similar to yours (fine, straight, no body, doesn't hold curl) and until recently I was wearing it long too...then I got this bob haircut (more or less) a few months ago and my hair really likes it so far! Another pic here. Most days I just wash it and go, but it is also quick to style on the reare day I feel like making the effort. (Bonus: I haven't once gotten it caught in my purse strap since I got it cut!)

Another option might be a longer bob.

You could do bangs with either style.

I've also had good luck with cuts in the past where instead of coming in with a picture to copy, I've just told my hairstylist to do a cut that maximizes body while still being low-maintenance.
posted by Shadow Boxer at 8:25 AM on April 15, 2014

How about a blunt angle cut? I used to have this hairstyle and loved it. It might look nice with a bit more difference between the back and front lengths like this, or just go with some extra-long pieces in front like Gwyneth Paltrow does here. I also think bangs would look lovely on you, and they look great with this cut, too.
posted by sockermom at 8:26 AM on April 15, 2014

I have a similar hair type, and I go with the graduated triangular. Can go as long or short as you want, yields unexpected body, easy to style.
posted by gnomeloaf at 8:26 AM on April 15, 2014

I'm rocking a bob right now. I found that when my hair was straight and fine, that this was a pretty easy look to maintain. I blew mine out, but I can let it air dry and go wavy if I want.

I can blow my hair out in about 4 minutes, and I do recommend doing so to make your hair look as pretty as possible.

I don't recommend layers, but rather stacking. This builds it up in the back, and looks so freaking cool!

Find out what shampoos and styling aids work for you. Shampoo can make a HUGE difference, a thick one with lots of moisturizer can weigh your hair down and make it look lank.

I get my hair cut at the Aveda institute for $15. I always look great, and I don't spend a lot of cash.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 8:27 AM on April 15, 2014

Hello, hair twin!

I tend to go with crisp, sharp bobs. There are some layers, but not a whole lot, and the effect is very sleek. Unfortunately I can't find a good recent photo and ummm, let's just say I'm not quite ready for my selfie closeup this morning. It's very similar to the photo of Michelle Dockery Shadow Boxer linked, though I don't have nearly that level of wave/texture in my hair. There is not a lot of difference between the front and back lengths.

I feel like the "stacked" look is kind of dated, but YMMV of course.
posted by Sara C. at 9:09 AM on April 15, 2014

Keep it long but part it way off to the side. Middle parts are generally pretty unflattering unless you have a seriously symmetrical face (like, Jessica Alba symmetrical). And maybe add some highlight! Or a light red tint which would bring out that beautiful strawberry color.
posted by amaire at 9:11 AM on April 15, 2014

I learned the words "undercut bob" here on Mefi to describe the haircut I've been aiming for for years (and not getting. I'm bringing pictures next time.)
posted by travertina at 9:16 AM on April 15, 2014

Another of you hair twins here (wait, triplet?). You might look at pictures of Karlie Kloss' hair. Granted she's a gorgeous model and has people standing over her making her hair look perfect, but she is one of our fine hair sisters as well and there are lots of examples on the internet of what she does with it.
posted by cecic at 9:18 AM on April 15, 2014

I have hair just like yours, and I am going to go against the grain and say a bob is not necessarily a good idea unless you have time to spend on style or don't ever have bad hair days.

I have very few of the former and many of the latter.

I dread running the risk of not being able to handle a bad hair day with a simple pony tail or braid. I've tried bobs in the past, and they just do not work, hold up well, or grow out well. At least, not on me with my thin as thread hair where the back grows faster than the front.

I recommend maybe some simple layers and if you really want a change, doing something funky with colors like coloring tips or coloring lower layers. Think Agent Hand. This one, too.
posted by zizzle at 9:56 AM on April 15, 2014

Yeah, as an owner of fine wavy hair that has been a variety of lengths (currently right around chin length), a bob is not as low-fuss as hair that's long enough to just pull back. But I find that, for my hair, the longest it looks reasonably good on it's own is about collar-bone length.

If you've got hair that's straight enough to fall nicely without much blowdrying or flatironing, some bangs would mix up your look quite a bit without having to take off a lot of length. Here are some pictures -- there are lots of different options. I prefer long, side-swept bangs because they grow out more quickly.
posted by EvaDestruction at 12:23 PM on April 15, 2014

I have a similar hair texture to you and would actually recommend against getting a bob cut. I had the angled bob for a while and it required way more effort than long hair ever did-- unless your hair is naturally stick-straight, it doesn't look smooth without styling.

My recommendation: keep it long, go for a blunt cut rather than lots of layers (which can actually make fine hair look thinner). I also think you have a good face for bangs.
posted by noxperpetua at 1:16 PM on April 15, 2014

Maybe you could pull off an Anna Wintour!
posted by oceanjesse at 6:26 PM on April 15, 2014

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