March 16, 2014 2:53 PM

I see lots of writing submissions trackers, such as Duotrope and Assignmint, and job application trackers like Huntsy and StartWire. Is there a web app that helps me track multiple kinds of submissions?

I'm in the process of applying for all sorts of opportunities as my degree wraps up - not just jobs, but also fellowships and grants and all sorts of options. I'm also looking into creative submissions, such as sending in writing for magazines. Some of these often require supplementary material - specialised forms, writing samples, letters of recommendation, etc.

My general problems with submissions and applications are:
1. I'll find an interesting opportunity, even try and send myself a note about it - and then forget about it until it's long past the deadline (especially if there's multiple opportunities I find at once and I lose track of time)
2. I forget I've applied for something and don't realise that it's a good time to follow up
3. A lot of them ask for the same information over and over and I've got that floating across multiple documents

A lot of people have recommended spreadsheets to me, but I think that's a little too passive: I put in the information and then promptly forget about it. I need something that will poke me about it - "Hey, it's been a week since you looked at this job, wanna apply for it?" or "it's a week until the due date, have you got your act together?".

What I would like is an app that:

1. Lets me fill in the details of the specific opportunity (a lot of sites advertise bookmarklets, which are less useful for me as I often float between computers, so a form is better)
2. Provides reminders on important dates (due dates, result-check dates, followups)
3. Allows me to key in responses (rejected, deferred, etc) especially for things that have multi-step application processes
4. Has space for me to keep regularly-used documents (resumes, etc) that I could just attach to applications in one click
5. Web-based
Bonus 6. Taps into my social media networks and sees if there's anyone in the organisations I'm applying to that I could contact as an in
Bonus 7. Keeps a database of the places I've applied to for future reference
Bonus 8. Allows me to keep a copy of my application materials for future reference (esp for fellowships where there are specialised questions)
Would Prefer 8. Allows attachment of files as PDFs, DOCs, etc - I've seen a few sites that offer to send your prospective employer links but I don't think that's particularly useful especially since so many insist on their own formatting.

Could I use the job-track sites for arts/writing submissions? Has anyone figured out a way to make a spreadsheet that also links with my calendar (I use GCal)?
posted by divabat to Work & Money (1 answer total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I asked this question a few days ago, learned about 'CRM' and I think there are a lot of similarities with what you're looking for. I've been playing around with Streak (which sits on top of gmail) and I think you might like it. Each 'pipeline' has different stages and you move each submission as it goes along. I was also looking for the 'poke me to follow up'/reminder feature which it has. Trello which also got mentioned there might work for you too.
posted by atlantica at 12:54 AM on March 17, 2014

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