How can I advance my dogs' film careers?
October 20, 2005 3:35 PM

I have two well-trained, photogenic dogs. A photographer recently suggested to me that other professional photographers might like to use them as models. How do I go about finding people who are interested in hiring my dogs?
posted by freshwater_pr0n to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
How well-trained is "well-trained"? To be useful as a model/actor, dogs need to be extremely well-trained AND proofed (i.e. they will perform the behaviours you want under a wide variety of circumstances, locations and distractions, not just at home), and they should ideally have some unique characteristics and abilities.

That said, here might be a place to start.
posted by biscotti at 4:14 PM on October 20, 2005

I am a professional dog trainer. Both of my dogs compete successfully in agility and obedience, learn quickly and have great Border Collie work ethics. One of them recently co-starred in a short independent film, and he was well-behaved, biddable and got very, very excited whenever he realized that he was going to "work."
posted by freshwater_pr0n at 4:28 PM on October 20, 2005

Then go for it!
posted by biscotti at 4:32 PM on October 20, 2005

There was a recent AskMe thread where a guy asked about marketing his cat's (laughable) skills - that may have some useful information. I can't find it with a brief search though.
posted by blag at 5:17 PM on October 20, 2005

I have a chihuahua, and am in a chihuahua group. I'm on the mailing list, and occasionally the group leader sends out doggy casting calls for chihuahuas (unfortunately, my dog prefers the couch to the casting couch). So, maybe joining some breed organizations would lead you in the right direction.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 6:02 PM on October 20, 2005

I am a photo producer and often hire animal talent. Call your local film commission and get listed in their production guide. Also check that guide for agents that represent animal talent. There are many agents that specialize in animal bookings. Good luck!
posted by gingembre at 6:52 PM on October 20, 2005

If you know anyone in the advertising, graphic design, or photography industry you might offer your dog up for some pro bono work. My agency used my very young, very calm border collie puppy for a few photo shoots. It doubled as a great way to get her socialized around kids and families, who were the models for the shoots. This will familiarize you with what will be required of your dog if you pursue this in the future, and how you'll need to train her.
posted by MarvinTheCat at 7:49 PM on October 20, 2005

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