How to install an HP Laserjet 1012 on new Dell w/ Win 7 Professional?
March 10, 2014 12:28 PM

Greetings: Does anyone know a quick work-around for installing an HP Laserjet 1012 printer on a new Dell running on Windows 7 Professional? I have the original set up disk for the printer, but that doesn't work (and I don't get an explanatory error message). HP's website says that it is not supplying a driver for this printer for Windows 7. I am guessing that there is a work-around for this, and that someone out on the green might know what this is. I'd be grateful! Thanks!
posted by cool breeze to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You may be able to try the driver for the 1018.
posted by infinitewindow at 1:02 PM on March 10, 2014

I got it to work with the 1015 or 1018 driver with almost no issues. If it doesn't work first try for you, MeMail me and i will dig up detailed directions.
posted by KevCed at 5:20 PM on March 10, 2014

Hi Guys:

The job is done, and here is how I did it:

Connect the printer to the computer and power source; power everything on.

Start => Devices and Printers => Add Printer => Local => Existing Port => DOT4_001 => Next => Windows Update => HP => HP Laserjet3055 PCL5 Microsoft => Replace Current Driver => Change Name (= HP Laserjet 1012 Hack) => Install => Share (=No) => Print Page.

In c:\windows\system32\spool\printers: delete any files found here (none were).

Start => Devices and Printers => Right Click "HP Laserjet 1012 Hack" => Printer Properties => Advanced => Print Directly to Printer => Apply => OK.

Reboot and done.

It worked on the first attempt.

FYI: I chose the HP Laserjet 3055 PCL5 Microsoft driver as a consequence of scuttlebutt on the web around the choice of a substitute driver. Some folks had success with drivers for the HP Laserjet 1015 and 1018, and then some didn't. Use of the driver for the 3055 seemed to make the most people happy.

Also, it seems that, over time, the printer's buffer may fill up with junk "bits and bytes" due to some issue around the PCL5 printer standard with which the HP Laserjet 1012 apparently doesn't quite comply. As a consequence, if the printer isn't cycled on and off on occasion, the buffer will overflow and cause the printer to fail to print. This should not become a problem if the printer is powered off nightly or at least regularly.

As always, thanks for your input!
posted by cool breeze at 2:37 PM on April 10, 2014

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