where should I look to find a programmer to help me with amazon s3?
March 3, 2014 12:29 AM

I tried setting up my own vpn for my personal use via amazon s3. there are youtube tutorials on the web but I realized I'm out of my depth and I would like to hire someone to help me. only where should I go? is stackoverflow a good place to post such a request? or where do you go to find capable freelancers who can do a job like this?
posted by krautland to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Possibly try posting on jobs.metafilter.com.
posted by fluffy battle kitten at 12:41 AM on March 3, 2014

Elance or Odesk.
posted by Dansaman at 12:45 AM on March 3, 2014

S3 is for storing objects, like images -- did you mean EC2 by any chance? I do a *lot* of AWS-related work, and am familiar with VPNs for all sorts of things. Happy to help -- feel free to memail me.
posted by nonspecialist at 12:46 AM on March 3, 2014

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