In search of a screen protector with a paperlike texture
February 24, 2014 8:19 AM

Which tablet screen protector(s) have a matte, sandy texture?

I have this 8" tablet, which has an active-digitzer Wacom stylus as well as a capacitive touchscreen. I use it for drawing, so I'd like a little bit of surface texture to provide "tooth" for the stylus.

Are there any screen protector films that don't have a squishy rubber texture or a slick glossy texture? Occasionally I have seen folks with nice matte-finish screen protectors on their iPhones, but I can't feel the textures of the ones on store shelves to know which one to buy.
posted by overeducated_alligator to Technology (1 answer total)
The matte ones are usually marketed as "no-fingerprint" or "anti-glare".

I have a matte one from "Tech Armor" which is labeled "trutouch" but I wouldn't worry too much about finding the same brand; I get the impression that all of these guys are buying the same sheets of material from the same factory and just putting different labels on them...
posted by ook at 8:56 AM on February 24, 2014

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