How to find a good doctor?
October 18, 2005 7:42 AM

Any tips on finding a good doctor? I'm new to Miami, and it's high time I find a doctor, GYN, and dentist, at the very least.

I've tried asking the few people I know here, but no luck. I'm not sure if there's a good way to search for that - so far I've struck out. Any tips on how to find a good doctor, or specific general practioners, GYNs (preferably female) and dentists in the Miami area?
posted by Amizu to Health & Fitness (7 answers total)
Did you have a doctor where you used to live? Sometimes they can refer you to someone else.
posted by bwilms at 8:10 AM on October 18, 2005

Best to ask people you meet.. word of mouth seems like the most reliable source of information in these matters. Or if you know or meet any emergency physicians--they interact with a lot of primary care doctors and can usually steer you in the right direction.
posted by mert at 8:43 AM on October 18, 2005

I don't have any tips on searching, but I've lived in SoFla for 35 years, and in Miami for 8. I can get you some good local referrals if you are interested. Drop me a note via mkhall at gmail if you are interested.
posted by mkhall at 8:44 AM on October 18, 2005

This is a pretty idea that should be much more prevalent on the net of rating doctors by service. I can't understand why we do this so extensively for restaurants but there are so few websites that focus on this for doctors.
posted by any major dude at 8:58 AM on October 18, 2005

I know a great dentist in broward, (it's worth the drive). His name is Dr. Lambert. My wife has been going to him leterally her entire life. I can't say enough good things about him.

I'll get you his number by e-mail when I get home. I'll also ask my wife about a GYN referral.
posted by oddman at 9:10 AM on October 18, 2005

Depending on where you are in Miami I cannot reccomend highly enough Dr Jeff Nullman whose office is on Bird Road and 117th Ave in the SW. He's just a wonderful, personably guy who in ten years never rushed me once when I had questions.

After having a childhood dentist who was just awful (she used to scream at her assistants and I once even saw her hit a kid) I didn't go to the dentist for about 8 years. When I went to Nullman based on a co-worker's suggestion I was astonished how great an experience it was - even the initial numbing shot he was able to do with no pain and I had 4 cavaties filled with zero pain.

Just to underscore how much I liked him, for the first few years after I left Miami I would schedule appointments with him when I came back to visit friends and family, rather than find a DC-area dentist.

Ah, still in my address book: 305-552-7050. 11467 Bird Road. It's conveniently right off the turnpike if you're not too close.

For physicians I have a few reccomendations but none as glowing. If you'd indicate exactly what area of Miami you're in I can be more specific but I lived everywhere from SW by Dadeland up to Miami Lakes. I can also ask a few friends who still live there - I'm sure they'd have several GYN reccomendations.

Since you've apparently moved away from my current area maybe you can suggest a dentist - I haven't cared for any I've been to thus far.

Email me, it's in my profile.
posted by phearlez at 10:18 AM on October 18, 2005

I can't understand why we do this so extensively for restaurants but there are so few websites that focus on this for doctors.

Exactly. I just went and added a couple of ratings - incredibly easy to do. Anyway, thanks - this was helpful. I just wish there was more data available.
posted by Amizu at 11:06 AM on October 18, 2005

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