Life Magazine? Article About A Violent Pair of Addicts
February 12, 2014 11:01 AM

I'm searching for an ethnographic, non-fiction article about two young homeless addicts, one a white male and one a pregnant black female. I believe, but am not certain, it was published decades ago in Life Magazine and that I found it through I'll put as many (possibly triggering, definitely unpleasant) details as I can inside.

-at one point the pregnant female is badly beaten and possibly sexually assaulted; I think I remember her laying on a park bench and bleeding.

-they perform muggings together; they're more violent than simple purse snatchings

-I think the male tricks himself out at one point, or it's discussed as something that happens

-it's a pretty old article, possibly from the 1970s
posted by Juliet Banana to Writing & Language (1 answer total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
My wifi connection is slower than dial-up so I can't actually read the article but two addicts, 1965. I googled "Panic in Needle Park" and Life mag.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 8:57 AM on February 13, 2014

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