Independent Toyota Prius Repair in Portland, Oregon?
December 14, 2013 3:06 PM

Does anybody have a favorite independent Toyota repair shop in Portland, Oregon? Preferably one you know to have worked on Priuses, but any recommendations / anti-recommendations welcome.
posted by spacewrench to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Hawthorne Auto Clinic specializes in Priuses (and other electric/hybrid cars). Their in-house errand-running car is a Prius. And they are nice people.
posted by feets at 4:09 PM on December 14, 2013

One extra link about Hawthorne Auto Clinic being Prius-centric: here.
posted by feets at 4:13 PM on December 14, 2013

I'm can't say for sure about Priuses but I used to take my Toyota pickup to Honest 1 on 20th & SE Stark. They were great and reliable and I'd still be going there if I hadn't moved out of town. I also have used Green Drop on SE 9th & Madison. Nice and helpful but seemed to be more expensive than Honest 1.
posted by Beti at 7:02 PM on December 14, 2013

Thanks everyone! I'll give these guys a call. (I also got the name of an independent guy from one of the cab companies that run a lot of Priuses.)

The local Toyota dealer has been pretty reasonable for most things, but they always put the hard sell on my wife when she goes in alone for an oil change. Apparently, we always need new tires all around, and it's only a matter of time before they try to sell her a quart of premium blinker fluid.
posted by spacewrench at 7:28 PM on December 14, 2013

Update: (engine) water pump replaced today, for a bit less than the dealer wanted. But! Hawthorne Auto didn't try to upsell the tires, didn't lie about misperceive the remaining brake-pad thickness, and did tell us about a problem with the transmission fluid (which is an actual thing that apparently happens to Priuses). I'll be taking the car back to them in the future.
posted by spacewrench at 1:00 PM on December 18, 2013

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