Retro Comic Artist
November 19, 2013 1:27 PM

I'm looking for current amateur/underground artists who have a style similar to late 70s/80s X-Men artists Dave Cockrum and Marc Silvestri.

I'm getting a jump early on commissioning a couple pieces of art so I don't have a repeat of this question.

Mohawk Storm fighting a giant snake is pretty much exactly what we're looking for.

Established artists are fine, but for budget reasons an amateur or underground artist would probably be better.
Feel free to link to yourself or a friend.
We're also open to licensing a piece for limited use.
If you know about an artist that fits the style but don't have any more info that's also fine!

If you want more context feel free to memail me, I don't want to self link.
posted by kittensofthenight to Media & Arts
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