Gift ideas: puzzle, game, or other.
November 11, 2013 8:57 PM

Looking for a gift for my father, who loved the Tetris Cube puzzle, but is the kind of guy to get himself whatever he wants. So, I'm trying to be thoughtful and creative.

It's the holiday season, but also he's been working at his office less and less because of health problems and the need to pass the torch at work. His official retirement day (end of salary, end of benefits, possibly still part-time work) is quickly approaching. I would love to get him a gift that amuses him the way Tetris Cube did. My father loves playing games on his tablet but I don't want to get apps for him. He's not a jigsaw guy and, in fact, his eyesight is getting shitty to where he can no longer drive a car. So... What's a puzzley, one-person-gamey, amusing-type gift I can get for him? Other interests include old rock and country music, golf, cards, jokes, some pro sports. He's really going to miss his job and will be trying to keep himself busy, but with health problems will not be the most physically active guy. Please chime in if you have any ideas!
posted by little_dog_laughing to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
You might look at Eureka Puzzles and Games, a store in Boston. That's the page of their website for "solo puzzle games" but they have mechanical puzzles, very handsome wooden gift puzzles and more, and I bet they could give you good ideas for really unique stuff over the phone too. The owner is very engaged.
posted by LobsterMitten at 10:35 PM on November 11, 2013

(You can sort those pages by price, high-to-lo, and that will show you the higher-end stuff.)
posted by LobsterMitten at 10:40 PM on November 11, 2013

Perhaps a 3-D wood puzzle?
posted by invisible ink at 11:41 PM on November 11, 2013

Ball of Whacks isn't so much a puzzle as a puzzlish way to encourage creativity - might be of interest.
posted by MuffinMan at 12:58 AM on November 12, 2013

I've always thought that a good hobby for a retired person would be learning to program.

Barring that, Soma cube
posted by at at 6:07 AM on November 12, 2013

Quintillions is a very well made set of 2D wood quints (like tetrads, but with five), and Super Quintillions would be a beautiful set for a retirement gift. The 2D set comes with a booklet that includes games as well as a few puzzles, and I assume the 3D set would as well.

Kadon Enterprises makes beautiful games and puzzles in general, and there are other options, too, like sets of penrose tiles and fun decorative play things like roundominoes made out of sturdy, colorful acrylic pieces.

The website is a bit overwhelming and clunky, but the products are really lovely.
posted by that girl at 9:52 AM on November 12, 2013

the perplexus games are ridiculously fun and difficult.
posted by rebent at 10:07 AM on November 12, 2013

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