looking for a Cantonese song
October 16, 2013 2:35 PM

It's a rather famous song but I haven't figured out what it might be.

I've heard this song quite a few times so I know it's rather popular, and I've heard it as far back as when I was a kid so it might be kinda old (ie at least from the 80s). It's so popular I've heard it sung by both male and female singers.

The first 2 phrases of the song are 3 characters each and are rather dramatic... The whole song is, really, because it's supposed to be full of emotion and talks about being courageous or resolute or something like that. It's not quite pop or rock or any other genre I can think of. Other than that all I have are the first few characters of the chorus, and I might have gotten these wrong, but here they are (in simplified form):


(The chorus might include the words 昨天 now that I think about it)

The sad thing is I can hear it in my head, I can hum the melody, but just don't know the words to it to ID it. Anyone got ideas?
posted by ditto75 to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Could it be 漫步人生路? It has "願將歡笑聲" in the lyrics, but does mention 昨天 at all.

posted by icemill at 2:48 PM on October 16, 2013

That was it...recognized it as soon as it started playing. :) thanks so much!
posted by ditto75 at 5:18 PM on October 16, 2013

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