Make iTunes album view go away!
October 15, 2013 1:30 PM

iTunes-filter: I would like to nuke the albums view from orbit.

I am running iTunes on a new Dell computer running Windows 8. I am in the lengthy process of uploading CDs (hundreds), and every time I finish uploading a CD it defaults to the albums view. I hate the albums view with the power of ten thousand red giants. There is nothing in the preferences or view options that seems to allow me to pick a preferred view. Any googling I've done seems to indicate that this is the default view. Does anybody have any tips or hacks about how to disable this, short of installing a prior version?
posted by computech_apolloniajames to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
In your preferences, do you have the "When a CD is inserted" option set to "Import CD and Eject"? I ask only because if you're importing one CD after another, I'm not sure why it matters what the default post-import view is. It seems like you should be able to just insert the CD, and have iTunes then automatically import it and eject it so that you can insert another CD.

I have not found a way to change this default behavior (yes, it's possible to change the default view in general to a song list, but this doesn't affect CD importing). My (unsatisfying) workaround has been to import some CDs using the automated process, then go to the main library list in "Songs" view, with the "Date Added" column clicked to display the recently imported albums if I want to check them out.
posted by Mo' Money Moe Bandy at 2:04 PM on October 15, 2013

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