Looking for resources to teach group-work skills to law students
October 8, 2013 12:17 PM

What teaching resources would you recommend to help law students improve their group-work skills?

This is in many ways a follow up to the question posted here: Help Me Teach Teamwork

Like the poster there, I'm working with a prof who's incorporating problem-based learning (PBL) into her law school class. This is the first time she's done this. Students get a fact pattern and a few guiding questions along with a set of suggested and assigned readings. They work together in groups of four, and have three weeks to hand in a memo answering the question.

One key difference is this: the work is collaborative but each member hands in their own memo and gets their own grade. A small portion of the grade is based on a peer evaluation.

I would like to compile a set of resources that discusses best-practices for group work. I'm not looking for a set of gripes about why group-work is annoying, or how it ends up disproportionately allocated. I'm also not looking for personal anecdotes. Rather, I'm looking for pointers to materials that I can put on the class website. I imagine that this is part of the MBA / B-school curriculum, so if you've gone through that and read something that stuck with you, I'd love to hear about it.

So -- what resources would you use (or wished you had) that discusses how to be collaborative and productive at the same time?
posted by awenner to Education
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