Please help me track down an anime based on my vague memories.
September 16, 2013 7:25 AM

About 8-10 years ago I watched an anime that I'd like to track down again. Unfortunately I remember very little of its details.

I believe it was an OAV/OVA, maybe about 45 minutes to an hour long. I remember the pace being a bit slow, and the atmosphere melancholy. The main character was an animal of some sort.

I think trains were involved somehow- perhaps the main character was riding a train. I think the overall theme had to do with the cycle of life. One line of dialogue that stuck out for me was the main character saying he hoped his death would be meaningful, or something similar.

It was most likely a fansubbed anime- I don't think it was licensed in the US. I'm nearly 100% certain it wasn't a Ghibli film. I'm not sure when it was made but I'm pretty sure it was at least a few years old when I watched it.

Thank you for your help!
posted by Dr-Baa to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Night on the Galactic Railroad? That has been licensed, and it's longer than 45 minutes. But it's slow and melancholy with trains and animals.
posted by Aznable at 7:36 AM on September 16, 2013

Wow, I think that's it! Thank you so much!
posted by Dr-Baa at 7:40 AM on September 16, 2013

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