Find an old DOS Civil War Simulator
September 30, 2005 10:00 AM

Help me find this old DOS computer game. The talk of SkiFree reminded me of a favorite DOS Civil War simulator that was called, get this, Civil War Simulator, CWS.exe. It was a turn-based game, with multiple armies (Jackson, McClellan, Grant, Lee, etc.) that started out in certain cities and the player (as either north or south) moved the troops around to various battles, which were won based on numbers of troops, supplies, skill, location, etc. You could split or fuse your armies to take on more opponent's armies or fight them better and more.

Unessential details: It was freeware/donationware/postcardware, I think. I remember it was written by a guy in Knoxville, and that it might have even stopped working after a certain date. Anyone remember this game, know who wrote it, or know where I can find it?
posted by kenneth to Computers & Internet (7 answers total)
Is it this game?
posted by iconomy at 10:18 AM on September 30, 2005

Is it W.R. Hutsell's Civil War Strategy game? He has other games, also.

If not, it might be here.
posted by arco at 10:23 AM on September 30, 2005

Here's a download link to the one iconomy mentioned...
posted by starscream at 10:57 AM on September 30, 2005

Here you go.
posted by TonyRobots at 12:06 PM on September 30, 2005

Oops, apologies to arco, who beat me to it. I am pretty confident this is what you're looking for, if only because it has the cws.exe executable you mention.
posted by TonyRobots at 12:08 PM on September 30, 2005

Thanks so much arco and TonyRobots! No wonder I couldn't find it with "Civil War Simulator"!
posted by kenneth at 1:52 PM on September 30, 2005

I loved that game. I still remember the night I burned the cities of the eastern seaboard and brought victory to the CSA. Long live the, in VGA form.
posted by Atreides at 5:30 PM on September 30, 2005

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