Are you currently content of where you are in life? Achievement wise?
August 31, 2013 12:55 AM   Subscribe

A friend and I had a discussion the other day about getting the most satisfaction out of one's current existence. From my friend's perspective, it's a waste of one's abilities by settling for mediocrity & being content with just doing a "passable" job. Whether it's work, school, or a hobby, my friend loves to thrust his full effort as time is something that cannot be returned to us. Might as well go all out & not look back with regrets. No one can be a master of everything, but he would be content as long as he performed at his maximum ability regardless of the end results. Some people are not content with just effort. End results such as being #1 or least top 5 should be the goal. Some strive for the top to indulge in self-satisfaction while others want acknowledgement from others more than anything else. Does anyone in here feel that they haven't scratched the surface of their full potential due to miscellaneous roadblocks? Like fear of the unknown? Not knowing where to start?
posted by tnar23 to Religion & Philosophy

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