Where can I buy a couch & chair for my elderly dad with bad knees?
August 23, 2013 5:12 AM

Hi hivemind. I'm in Northern California and stumped. I decked out my lovely, elderly parents' place, but foolishly bought stylish soft couches/chairs with no arm rests. I now need firm couches and sturdy chairs before either of them has a fall because of balance/knee issues. But when I google, I often find articles about how important the right furniture is, but one one site that offers a selection of furniture options for seniors. Or I find sites that seem to sell such furniture in bulk, to senior living facilities (and often don't list prices without starting a business account). I'm wondering if I'm just looking in the wrong place, and if so, where should I look? Or, have you bought great furniture for someone with limited mobility? Where did you look? What do you like? Thanks!
posted by anitanita to Home & Garden (6 answers total)
My beloved grandfather, who was quite infirm in his oldest old age, LOVED his lift chair. It looked just like a La-z-boy, but using a little remote control, it helped him stand up when he was done sitting in it, which was fantastic. It's my understanding that he bought it at Sam's Club, and a cursory look at their site says these go for between $500-$700 each. Definitely a worthwhile investment.
posted by juniperesque at 5:45 AM on August 23, 2013

My grandmother also has one of those lift chair recliners, and she loves it. Hers has a 9v battery good for one charge, in case the power goes out, so she can still get up.
posted by needlegrrl at 7:24 AM on August 23, 2013

Yes, definitely a lift chair - maybe two if both parents have mobility issues - but don't buy them new. We bought one new for my dad for well over $1,000 and sold it - still like new - about a year later after he passed for under $500. Craigslist.
posted by summerstorm at 7:32 AM on August 23, 2013

I have autoimmune arthritis and use a power wheelchair. Of the furniture I like, Room and Board furniture has been the best bet; it often sits higher than most furniture (at 19" -- that's the standard) and our pieces are made of supportive foam rather than plush fillings or down. I know there are lists of the more appropriate Ikea furniture (with ways to "hack" it) and I suspect other brands as well. So, it doesn't need to be specialty or institutional furniture, unless there's more information. Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of individualized figuring out for you to do!

I'm not nearly eligible for Medicaid or any government help (income restrictions) but was eligible for a respite care consultation to determine the accessibility of my living space. Because you're taking care of your folks, you should definitely put your city or county and respite care into google. Occupational and physical therapists can also help with suggestions, particularly because they know what local resources exist -- they've been great for me at times.
posted by sweltering at 7:53 AM on August 23, 2013

My grandfather has a standard office chair that he uses. Like this one. He loves it. It is very comfortable, and they can adjust it to the right height for them. It is worth trying before getting a lift chair.
posted by gjc at 8:04 AM on August 23, 2013

We bought my 90 yo FIL a lift chair, too. He also LOVES it. From Walgreens online. LaZ Boy also sells them - there are quite a few on Craigslist, as summerstorm notes.
posted by sarajane at 12:20 PM on August 23, 2013

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