Identify this food-related object + recipe request
June 7, 2013 5:57 PM

Found this silicone mold at the thrift store today. My guess is it's for making some sort of fruit-filled baked dessert. I'm imagining something similar to a strawberry shortcake. What is it for?

What search term should I be using to get recipes? What other foods or desserts would you use this mold to make? Please and thank you.
posted by aniola to Food & Drink (8 answers total)
Its for making frozen (as in ice) or chocolate shot glasses.
posted by Captain_Science at 6:05 PM on June 7, 2013

or Jello-y thing- no baking?
posted by bebrave! at 6:16 PM on June 7, 2013

Shot glasses! The helpful search term, thanks! Creative suggestions and recipes still invited.
posted by aniola at 6:38 PM on June 7, 2013

I have just discovered cupcake-with-filling recipes. Problem solved!
posted by aniola at 6:52 PM on June 7, 2013

So far I've made a couple of batches of CUPcakes. Works fine if you are extremely careful removing the contents.

Suggestions from chat include:

Fill the mold with cookie dough and then fill the cookie cup with icecream

Meatloaf or vegetarian meatloaf + cheese filling.
posted by aniola at 6:55 PM on June 8, 2013

Ahem. Milk and cookies. Fill mold with cookie dough, fill cookie cup with milk.
posted by aniola at 8:50 AM on June 10, 2013

Missing step for milk in cookies: line cup with peanut butter or some other sealant. Shortbread is crumbly and not recommended.
posted by aniola at 8:14 AM on June 11, 2013

Sweet and savory pies.
posted by aniola at 11:02 AM on June 12, 2013

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