Pandemic: On The Brink - petri dish dimensions?
April 30, 2013 4:08 AM

What are the dimensions of the plastic petri dishes used to store disease cubes that ship with the Pandemic expansion, On The Brink?
posted by obiwanwasabi to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total)
Mine are 3.5 inches in diameter, and 3/4 inch high.
posted by Elementary Penguin at 4:15 AM on April 30, 2013

posted by obiwanwasabi at 3:44 PM on April 30, 2013

(I have no idea why I marked myself 'best answer' - fixed!)
posted by obiwanwasabi at 5:35 PM on May 3, 2013

(Well I liked your answer — politeness is a virtue!)
posted by Elementary Penguin at 2:59 AM on May 4, 2013

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