Summer courses in Las Vegas?
April 28, 2013 8:14 AM

I get to spend Mid-June to September in Vegas with my days pretty much completely free - I work nights. What educational opportunities and schools would you recommend me look into to take some classes.

I get to spend Mid-June to September in Vegas with my days pretty much completely free - I work nights.

What educational opportunities and schools would you recommend me look into to take some classes in the following areas:

-anything sewing related
-anything building/carpentry related
-anything on how to fix a car
-any just awesome summer useful classes

Or if you can recommend something that is generally awesome and will prevent me from sitting around playing WOW for days at a time that would be awesome!
posted by ashtabula to opelika to Education (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Maybe not what you are looking for, but Coursera is pretty cool. I never have time to take any of the courses during the academic year but over the summer might be perfect.
posted by chainsofreedom at 8:36 AM on April 28, 2013

College of Southern Nevada.
posted by Ideefixe at 10:03 AM on April 28, 2013

UNLV offers summer continuing ed classes also.

Wood It Is! in North Las Vegas has some really nice folks and a great shop where students can come in to work on projects.

Gail Knits on west Sahara has knitting and crocheting classes. If you're interested in jewelry, beads and fine metalwork, Colleen McGraw runs good classes.
posted by zepheria at 10:10 AM on April 28, 2013

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