life across the lake
March 13, 2013 10:05 PM   Subscribe

Am I committing social suicide by considering a move to Crown Point/Ticonderoga/Essex County New York?

I currently live in Burlington, VT and work south of here. I'm an LPN and want to get my RN degree at North Country community college in Ticonderoga, NY. The instate tuition is affordable and I would like to move across the lake until I qualify. My place of employment is close enough to the Crown Point bridge to make this move plausible. I have a fantastic job where I am making much more than I would be anywhere else.

HOWEVER - I'm 26, single, and will not move if it means spending the next few years of my life in a socially stifling place. I grew up in the area (VT side) and realize that it is very different across the lake. I'm a pretty big stereotype; I like Burlington and Montpelier. I like food co-ops, biking, microbrews. That kind of scene. I also love the Adirondacks.

Is there any place like this in the Crown Point area? I would consider surrounding towns, I'd like to keep it within 20 minutes of the bridge as I have another 40 minutes to go once I cross the bridge to get to work.

Anyone have any insight?
posted by pintapicasso to Travel & Transportation around Ticonderoga, NY
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