Gynecologist or Dermatologist?
March 6, 2013 2:51 PM

I used to get ingrown hairs in my pubic area that often became infected. I was able to remove the hairs, but the areas over-healed and left two noticeable and unsightly keloids. In general, my pubic area, when the hair is removed, has small bumps all over, sort of like raw chicken skin. Is there a way to get these bumps and the keloids removed? Do I need to talk to a dermatologist or a gynecologist?

I talked to my old gyno about this once, but he was weird and dismissive (don't worry, I'm looking for a new one!). I didn't know if dermatologists are used to dealing with skin problems below the belt or if they'd just refer me back to my gynecologist. Would a dermatologist be able to prevent me from getting ingrown hairs in the future as well? I've never been to a dermatologist before, so I'm pretty clueless.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
The bumps are normal and can sometimes be ameliorated by adjusting the way the hair in that area is removed. I get the bumps if a waxer pulls off wax strips in the wrong direction (which is usually against the grain) but they usually go away when I moisturized the area thoroughly. I would talk to a dermatologist about the ingrown hairs as they may have better ways of removing problem spots than a gyno would.
posted by These Birds of a Feather at 2:54 PM on March 6, 2013

If you are looking for scar correction, a plastic surgeon might be a better bet.

The dermotologist should be able to help you with the skin issues, but if you haven't yet I would also try Tend Skin (which you can also make at home for a fraction of the price. Google it, but it's basically just 50/50 witch hazel and rubbing alcohol with half a couple dozen uncoated aspirin dissolved in it).
posted by whoaali at 3:13 PM on March 6, 2013

Start with a dermatologist. Gynecologists don't know very much about skin or hair.
posted by Lyn Never at 3:24 PM on March 6, 2013

A dermotologist would be helpful with the keloid issue. However, I have a keloid on my leg from an ingrown hair and they told me that it would leave a pretty serious scar if I had it removed, so you might want to be prepared for that possibility.

Using an exfoliant should really help prevent ingrown hairs in the future. My aesthetician recommended this to me, and it's been helpful. Witch hazel or Bikini Zone after hair removal can be good, too.
posted by k8lin at 6:30 PM on March 6, 2013

For whatever it's worth, my experience is that many people have bumpy chicken skin on denuded genital skin--it seems to be a very common thing.
posted by MeghanC at 8:48 PM on March 6, 2013

I have gone to a (very understanding, female) dermatologist about lady parts issues.
posted by radioamy at 10:20 PM on March 6, 2013

There actually are gynecological dermatologists. I think they mostly see older (as in post-menopausal) patients, but it could be worth finding one. Maybe ask your regular doctor if they know of any? Or try calling a dermatologist's office and asking if they have a specialist.
posted by The corpse in the library at 10:44 AM on March 7, 2013

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