Temporarily disable specific apps/files/folders on Mac OS 10.5.8?
March 3, 2013 12:40 PM

I want to minimize my computer-related distractions by taking apps like SelfControl to the next level: I want to not just irreversibly disconnect from the internet for a given time period, but to even make it impossible for me to indulge in my next-favorite mindless pastime, viz. reconsuming old movies/episodes/podcasts I have saved on my HD. But I don't want to permanently delete these things. Is there a way of disabling specific apps (e.g. video players) or preventing access to specific files/folders on a Mac for a preset time period? Or even of preventing my computer from powering up at all for, say, 12 hours? (Yeah, I'm that pathetically addicted.)
posted by zeri to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
According to this website, the only app that looks like it might block applications is Concentrate. However, it's not clear on their official website that you can prevent programs from running in the first place -- it only says it can quit apps for you.

I'd consider two options:
(1) Find the application folders for your video players. Move them onto a flash drive (ensuring they're not on the local drive). Put the flash drive somewhere physically inconvenient (like in your car's glovebox).
(2) Buy an external hard drive, and keep your media on that. Then also physically separate yourself from the drive (or a critical component, like its power supply).
posted by spiderskull at 12:48 PM on March 3, 2013

If you create a new user account, you can set up the parental controls so that they only let you run certain programs. But you'd still be able to log into your original account, you need a certain amount of self-control.
posted by vasi at 6:01 PM on March 3, 2013

I actually like the idea of keeping the files on a flash drive somewhere hard to access - thanks, spiderskull!. Charles Darwin cured himself of taking snuff by keeping the locked snuffbox in the cellar and the key to it in the attic. Think I'll try something similar.
posted by zeri at 9:06 PM on March 3, 2013

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