How can I find consistent freelance copywriting work for 5 cents a word?
February 27, 2013 9:47 PM

I'd like to get more into freelance copywriting. It's something I can do from home, and I'm pretty good at it. I have a money and time goal for it. Money: 5 cents a word Time: 15 hours a week Total: About $1,500 a month. I'm on Textbroker, but they rarely pay more than 1.5 cents a word. I'm open to pay-by-project too, if they're consistent. How would I go about finding regular clients/websites that could help me reach my goal?
posted by tuberose to Work & Money (3 answers total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
Earn notoriety through your current favorite, and contact them directly after you feel you're worth a raise. If they don't raise you, start contacting other clients and give them a one page portfolio that shows you're worth 5 cents a word. Mold this idea into what you want to, but this is what I would personally do. If you desire consistency, you must be consistent yourself. That means calling x-amount of people/websites daily. Keep your chin up, and others will chin up with you!
posted by JamesBlakeAV at 10:47 PM on February 27, 2013

Have you tried Elance?
posted by Terminal Verbosity at 3:13 AM on February 28, 2013

You'd make $25 per 400-500 word article at Demand Studios. Though you probably would want to use a pseudonym (b/c of their poor copy editing), which wouldn't help your notoriety or resume building. I recently heard about Writer Access, but I don't know how their pay and quality is.
posted by dayintoday at 4:01 AM on February 28, 2013

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