Help me entertain my friend in Oslo for the next 3 days
February 17, 2013 4:43 AM

I just moved to Oslo, like, last week. My friend is visiting. I live near Carl Brenner Square. How should we spend our time, get around, etc? Assume that I know nothing about Oslo! I've seen other threads about Oslo, but I need a little bit more location specific help and instructions on HOW to get to places etc. because I'm not even sure where I am. She'll be here until Wednesday. HELP!!!!!!
posted by anonymous to Travel & Transportation (6 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
If you're into museums, an Oslo pass is quite handy. Mainly because there are a lot of little museums and you'll pay a lot if you visit them individually.

Frogner Park is quite a good walk. The sculpture garden there is quite famous.

Akershus Fortress is quite a good afternoon as well.

There's a lot of design shops and interesting curious around the central university campus.

For going out, Gronland near the central train station has quite a few bars and pubs. That shouldn't be too hard to get to. is your friend in terms of transport.

Use the men's room in the sky bar at Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel in Oslo, preferably during the day. Just trust me on this one.
posted by nickrussell at 5:14 AM on February 17, 2013

Never been to Oslo but if I had visited and missed the sculpture garden and then found out about the sculpture garden later, I'd kill somebody.

(my main monitor desktop is a Vigeland sculpture garden slideshow)
posted by bonobothegreat at 7:10 AM on February 17, 2013

The opera near the harbor is amazing. Not just for opera. You could go there for lunch.
And the viking ship museum.
posted by mumimor at 8:30 AM on February 17, 2013

Welcome to Oslo!

The metro (t-banen), the tram (trikken) and several bus lines stop at Carl Berner.

Two suggestions: Mathallen and Aker Brygge.

Mathallen is the new food hall with several good shops and restaurants (including this one). A short walk from Mathallen is Schouskjelleren, a popular microbrewery located in the basement of the historic building of the former Schous brewery.

Aker Brygge has a great location, a new art museum, and if you feel like it, take the ferry to Nesodden and back for a nice view of the fjord. The cafes and restaurants in the Aker Brygge area are among the more expensive in Oslo - but it's free just to walk around. Restaurants like this one, five minutes walk alway, is a good alternative. This cafe in the middle of Oslo has a "half price" Sunday offer, currently it's entrecote with green beans and mashed potatoes for kr 79,-.

(Feel free to memail me for more info and suggestions.)
posted by iviken at 10:16 AM on February 17, 2013

This unusual pub is worth a visit:

"Underwater is an charming two-story pub with aquarium-style interior and raftered ceilings.
Opera nights every Tuesday and Thursday with performances by professional opera singers."

Also, Thorvald Meyers gate, the main street at Grünerløkka, with a decent selection of restaurants, cafes, bars and interesting shops, in walking distance from Carl Berner.
posted by iviken at 10:34 AM on February 17, 2013

I've entertained a few friends in Oslo recently, and these are my tips:
  • N'thing Frogner Park. It's a unique park and the sculptures really are quite great. It's still very accessible in this weather.
  • Take a walk to Bygdøy. It's a decent length walk and you get to see some nice nature in the centre of the city. If you aim to arrive in Bygdøy around 17:00 and you take the walk through the forest by the beach, you'll walk on some beautiful forest paths at twilight (that are also lit at night, so don't worry about going a little later). Also accessible in this weather.
  • The Korketrekkeren Toboggan Run. Go with all the skiers up to Frognerseteren on the T-bane. From there rent a toboggan and go on the famour Korkertrekkeren run. It's loads of fun, and you'll end up at the T-bane at Midstuen.
  • In this weather I would probably forego the Opera House. It's great to have a glass of wine on the terrace in Summer… but now… not so fun. Maybe interesting if you have some time, though.
  • The City Hall (Rådhuset) is free and open to the public. It's a easy way to kill 45 minutes or so (go upstairs and look at the political gifts from around the world.
  • N'thing Akershus Festning. Go there after the Rådhuset… they're nice and close to each other.
Finally, if you're both into museums, there's plenty on offer. Check out the city's WikiVoyage article.

On Saturday I walked to Bygdøy from Bislett, via Frogner Park. If you're interested in that (excellent and interesting) route, then here's a Google Map based on my GPS data. I also took the liberty of adding the toboggan run places on the map. (Yes, I am a nerd.)
posted by fakelvis at 1:24 AM on February 18, 2013

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