Low-cost talk therapy in Houston
February 12, 2013 6:30 AM

What are my options for low-cost talk therapy in Houston? I'm quitting my current job that has good health insurance, but low pay and not the greatest for overall body health. I'll be out of insurance for 2 months until my new job (much better, not a grocery store, and it's in my field of IT) insurance kicks into effect.

In the meantime, I'll be using the crappy personal insurance plans available to us regular people. I say crappy because they don't cover antidepressants (which I take) and they don't cover talk therapy (which I really like for a release valve). So, as for the 2nd part... it'll be like I don't have insurance at all going to a talk therapist.

Therefore, does anyone have some suggestions and tips on where to start looking for low-cost talk therapy in Houston (Tx) ?

I've tried so far ... http://therapyhouston.org/

They seem nice, but have a waiting list that they can't even tell me the estimated timeframe to see someone with. Exactly words to me were "could be a day, could be a month", lol.

posted by isoman2kx to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
update (2-12-13) so far, I've emailed the following :

Baylor Psychiatry Clinic
Cadwalder Clinic
Center for Creative Resources (the unknown appt availability)
Houston Galveston Institute
InnerWisdom Conseling centers
Legacy Community Health Services

MHA Houston had this big list of Adult and Family Mental Health services, but only the above 6 caught my eye.

For individual counseling, are there any other options I can explorer for low-cost?
posted by isoman2kx at 8:01 AM on February 12, 2013

Thanks Jacen. That's one of them that gave me a call back today. I have an appt setup tomorrow.

So "sliding scale fees" are the magic words huh. Do you think regular talk therapists would be affordable too this way? Or does it depend?

Also, yeah that's good to hear about religion not being mentioned much (or at all). I'm not really a subscriber of religion and was partially worried they'd send me home with Bible verses or something.
posted by isoman2kx at 3:22 PM on February 12, 2013

Right? lol.

Went to that Interface Samaritan place last Wed. Seems good so far Jacen. My bill was $50. They said even if I make $400 / week (with my new job), that it ought to still be $50. A relief for the 2 month transition period w/o mental health insurance!
posted by isoman2kx at 7:13 AM on February 17, 2013

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